Electronic ignition help needed !!

Ok - I've tried the ignition switch, voltage regulator, new ballast resister, even tried a known to be working box in place of the new one. Have also check through the distributor and the grounds again. Still I have starting issues.

I tried an inline tester and found intermittent spark from the coil wire. Sometimes it sparks every 3rd or fourth crank :banghead: -- other times it sparks consistently, yet other times no spark at all. The car will start when its sparks consistently. I need to get this car sorted out before the weekend. It is having a new top installed - and it would be nice to be able to drive the car to the installer (and provide a working car should he need to move it in the shop). Any other suggestions? I am ready to rip out the whole darn thing and go back to the crappy points. It might be time for a local mechanic.