Ever been banned from a web forum?

A good way to get your topic removed or banned is by posting a phone number or a email address if you want to sell some thing in your add,unless you pay to have a gold member ship,then,once you start paying,you can do as you please,every other site I belong too,it,s not a problem.mrmopartech

Well I can see ya getting banned if You keep posting phone numbers after You was told . Btw It only takes one pm to give them a number or email .. Any other site i get spam from, here i dont .. So there doing some thing right ..... Do as u please ? I have to call bs on that haha I cant call u names .. Just cuz ur gold dont mean the rules dont go for us lol . But ya a few rules do like u said ..

Completely incorrect Mrmopartech. Gold members get zero preferential treatment in such matters. We've given a few gold members time off.

In fact, IF ANYTHING, its a person's post count that gets them a little bit of preferential treatment.

And yes, we delete ads when they break the rules. But we also put in why they were deleted. We RARELY ban people. You have to remember, we have between 1200 and 2000 posts every day and 25,000 members. That is alot of activity. For as seldom as we ban people that really says something I think.