Are Double Barrels More Fun?

I have just about every pistol caliber from a .22 to a .480 Ruger. When I built my house I built an 8'x 6' gun room that is surrounded by solid concrete and steel door with a combination. So you could say that home defense is not an issue. :thumblef: As far as CC goes, people stop carrying them, because of comfort and size of the pistol and I have to admit that I am kind of the same way. You yourself should know that most altercations happen within 5'. If two shots of .45 Colt in the right hands won't put someone down then there is no personal defense.

I archery hunt big game every year and have hunted in many of the western states in wilderness areas. I have ran across quite a few mountain lions and bears over the years. I get sick of carrying my M&P, because of the extra weight. When packing in by yourself for days at a tome and hunting above 10,000' what you carry comes down to ounces, so the Bond Arms Derringer should fit the bill. A bear or mountain lion in most cases are on top of you before you know it, so accuracy is out the window.

Oh wow, I've always dreamed about building my own home with a nice gun vault like that. Sounds pretty amazing.

Yeah, a bear or mt lion wouldn't be intimidated by the size of any rifle, pistol, knife etc. So that would be a pretty good use for a gun like that. Have you ever shot a .45 that small before? I never have, but man can I imagine the wrist flick from a .45/410 round.