Mats 2012

I am very disappointed. With the cutbacks(layoffs) at work I and few others are all that's left to run a network of 21000 people. So after I pick up my trailer, gas up the truck make, my reservations I get the call to ship out to....Guam. Yes Guam. I will not be able to attend MATS and meet all the people I wanted to meet, blast down the drag strip, and go to the Cannery. Two years in a row this has happened. For those of you that will be attending have a great time. And for those that plan on attending Spring Fling I hope to see you on Sunday. As I don't get back home until Saturday. I'm pissed but blessed that I still have a job. Grrrrr. I wish everyone going the best of times.
Jeez. I even had a mini cam mounted between my headrest and seat so I could film my blasts down the 1/4 mile and post it for you guys. Take care

That's a shame, Doug. Guess there's no need to wait for you at McDonalds to join in our little convoy from SoCal. Bummer!
I shoot some pics and post 'em up for you and all the others that can't make it out to MATS this year.
Start planning for next year!