carb loading up

have had a lot of issues putting this car back together.Had a timing problem and got it solved but now the carb seems to be loading up to the point that when you run it and then slow down to say turn in the driveway, the car quits. I have a 750 edelbrock carb that is new. I messed with the jets a little and jetted it up a notch and changed the springs and went up a size or two and I believe I changed the metering rods if I am not mistaken( done last year). The car has a small ping when it is excellerating a lot. So since I have gotten the timing issue resolved, which one of these items do I need to play with to get the loading up dealt with. Or do I need to adjust the fuel air mixture. I would like your guys opinion as to save some steps. Its a 440 .030.thanks