Building a garage, cost $$$$

That sounds AWFUL CHEAP! I would certainly find out the thickness of the metal framing,roofing ,siding and also look really close at the strength of the design of the structure!Sometimes Sellers of Metal buildings will sell you really cheap materials that come from CHINA and other foreign countries.There is a big difference in metal thickness of some of these structures! BEWARE! And ASK ALL KINDS OF QUESTIONS! I went to the e bay add and nowhere in the add does it state what gauge metal any metal is!I would BEWARE of that! In my opinion that is a FLIMSY structure and personally I would not park one of my cars in there period! That would make a good storage building and that is about it.Contact them for gauge of metal thickness! My building I built is SUPER STRONG! all red iron and heavy gauge metal framing and I did not need a CRANE! My building is all welded,and also has heavy gauge roofing that I can walk on without bending and I weigh 275! also has heavy gauge metal siding.It is built to last MANY MANY YEARS! I have too much invested in the 3 cars that is parked inside for it not to be strong!It is your choice and your money! spend it wisely for something that is going to add value to your home and that is going to LAST!