man am I having trouble getting motivated

Stan i too have lost my motovation on my dart for the last 2 and half years ive been trying to get my car painted with no luck every income tax i get screwed on last year i worked at a restoration speed shop and was actullay thinkin i might have gotten my mojo back the boss offered to put my car in epoxy primer so it would start rusting again well that was just a test rat for the new painter to see if he was experainced enough that lesson cost me 1300 bucks and it aint even a yr yet and there are rust spots showin threw went to work at another place and they got slow so they laid a bunch of people off me included dec 16th then to top it off the doctors tell me the reason why my arm are always sore and shaky is because i have bone spurs in my vertabrae that are pushing on the nerves that go out into my hands. recently i got another dart just to tinker with and its been a challenge aswell but a upside to this since my new dart isnt road worthy yet i drive my 70 dart daily now and it helps with some motovation