man am I having trouble getting motivated

Glad to hear that you have your health turned around and headed in the right direction. Same with your work.
Now, the Dart...
From your post, sounds like you would like to get motivated. I agree with Karl here, go to a couple car shows and look & talk with some folks. A car show on a beautiful day might just be the shot in the arm (or kick in the pants) you need.
As for paint, you will be your own worst critic. I describe my Duster as a good 20 footer. I know where every run, nick and scratch is in it. But, I got a "First Lady's Choice Award" at a car show yesterday. Maybe you can network at a car club or car show and locate someone that can repaint it for you. Seeing it in color should also be some motivation.
At our local Ace Hardware, on the bulletin board where folks post their business cards, I spotted one that said any tractor painted for $400. This was after I had already painted my Duster. Had I seen it earlier I would have at least checked the guy out. A deal might have been made with me supplying the paint, doing the body work and taping and let the painter do what he does best - shooting paint.
Good luck with it.