wheelstand cars Post your pic's here

I will be putting a clear lexan firewall and floor in the areas of vision I will need, my wheelstander will be doing something not done before that i know of, yea some wheelstands on a dragstrip has been done and wheelstands on the straightaways at oval tracks has been done.....I'm goin figure 8 , prolly practice the oval first then move on to the tricky figure eight, some may consider this undoable...i love to here them say you caai'nt...Dooooooo That!!!!!!! 15 years of pro figure eight racin I can do it!!! Iv'e flown a car before!!!! was a short flight but the landing was spectacular roflmao!!!!!......Wagg's
This is going to be a interesting build.

I never been in a wheel stand car of course but how do those see where they are going?