I hate to admit it, BUT

I am so glad that the strip is 3 miles from the house. It's probobly why I built my car. It is fun to go up there and run those little rice cars when they happen to wind up next to you in the lanes. But development is starting to encroach on our local strip, these idiots are building million dollar homes in view of Bandimere speedway. How long do you think it will be before they make it close down? Then where do we go? Back to the streets? These developers have been the death of drag strips all over, and yet they don't want any racing on the streets.

That's what happened to Baylands in Fremont, CA. They were unable to renew the lease on the racetrack and now the area is almost completely developed. The proposed Oakland A's stadium project will use up the remaining land that the track was on.

I remember when they shut the track down, street racing skyrocketed in the area. It was mainly done in the industrial areas of town on the weekends. It was great for a while, almost all muscle cars. Then too many spectators started showing up. One night, a girl was killed when she ran across the street in the middle of a race...and that was the end of that. I would say keep it on the track, but there's isn't one around here anymore.