TTi ceramic coating warranty

Now.... what is the best way to ship a set of headers cross country? cudachick any tips?

Congratulations!! That's terrific news. :-D

Most full-length tube header boxes are 4-5 feet long and at least a foot wide so check your local appliance / repair stores. Make sure there's AT LEAST 3 inches of suitable industrial-use cushioning (pellets, peanuts, etc.) on all sides of the parts, and preferably more. Include a letter inside the box with your name, address, phone, and vehicle application info (just in case they deem you need a new set).

If you have your own account with a shipper, you can include your own return label inside the box to speed the return home and easily manage and track your shipping expenses.

Insure the box for not only the cost of a new set of headers but for a coating job as well just in case anything happens to them; that way, if it does, you won't be "out" anything. Ask A.E. to do the same for the shipment home to you.

Hope this helps!