
I am broke 2, but my Bros mom (Real nice lady) beat it, w/ a lot of Prayer and a bit of spunk. I will Pray for ya!
Thanks, always brings a smile to my face when somone mentions they know someone who beat the big "C".........

Make sure you have good walking shoes. Don't forget your pain Meds. And water. Glad to hear she is doing better.
Hey Ray, pain meds are always in my pocket. She has a few water bottles put aside for us, got a pair of hiking boots floating around somewhere. She has been feeling well lately, except for the hot flashes form the one cancer med they have her on.
On a different note, while I was gone the hounds were acting up. When they go a bit to far she has empty pill bottles she hurls in there direction. I reminded her that we now have a shoe for this, her response was that the shoe is no longer for throwing. Go figure.....

Is that still the bogey for 1st?
I will have her check when she wakes up.....