What is it with ebay threads in the for sale section???

I read through every page of this "discussion" and I do put quotations around that because that is a big stretch. Seems like all it takes is for one person to complain and everybody jumps in. I agree they are annoying, but then again so are some of the members here and you all still come around anyways. If you could put a sticker on your car and get free gas would you do it? Of course it helps you out just as ads help out the site. If you guys can come up with a solution to the ads and still bring in the same amount of money for the site while maintaining the sites no membership fee then post it up. Otherwise just stop bitching. If it wasn't for this site and a couple others I would have gone crazy over here a long time ago. This site is by far one of my favorite sites on the interwebs that I frequent and there are about 20 others that I am a member of. If you think we have an ad problem here go to one of the other www."insert car name" forumz.com and check them out. Peace out