TTi exhaust kit, or haul it to the muffler shop?

Well the exhaust is the only thing really keeping my car up in the air and not on the street. I need a full exhaust system, or I could scab it together with my universal 3in kit I have i guess. Anyway, what would I be looking at for price difference with a TTi kit vs. a custom exhaust from a muffler shop?? I think I want just 2.5 inch from the manifolds back, and I don't care right now about a H/X pipe setup. Like I said, I could just put the 3in kit I have on it with it dumped since the tailpipes are not going to work, but I had something like that, and I didn't care for the exhaust leaking in through the trunk when sitting idling. So what did you guys pay for a custom exhaust, minus mufflers at the local exhaust shop?