I hate to admit it, BUT

It's been interesting reading everybody's response's in this post. To put everybodies minds at ease, there was only one other car in the area and it was 50 ft to my side coming in the opposite direction but stopped at the same light. I would have to really screw up to touch him and I don't have 1500 HP to screw up that bad. It really sucks not having a track reasonably close, not only is there a lot of travel time involved, it is a big expense after you take into account a hotel for a night, food, gas and a trailer I don't have. Next summer I will get to the track at least once. I live in a very rural area, so going down the road and smoking the tires is no big deal. Heck, it costs me $30 bucks just to drive the car to town for cruise nights. LOL We only see a cop here once a week. I feel sorry for you guy's that live in the big city with a cop at every corner. It makes it hard to have a little fun.
