Engine Rebuilding Lessons?

well,there are alot of members in your area that would probably help with this.the main thing is to find a machine shop you can trust. then remember a motor cant be to clean even if the shop cleans it. wash it out with gunk and small brushes lots of water then blow dry. do you have the tools to do a rebuild.I wish you were closer...........Artie:coffee2:

Some good advice there.

Unfortunately, I don't have the tools to do a rebuild. My garage was broken into four years ago after our house fire. I've replaced the basics and add more tools when I need to. Funny thing is, I have a car hoist and a nice air compressor, but I don't even have a torque wrench now. Also, I don't know if there are any special tools or even how to use them....I'm kind of like a monkey with a type writer, I can bang on it pretty good and it'll type, but I'm sure it won't be a novel.

I haven't found any members in the area who are big on building engines and I hate asking people for help. I always feel like I'm imposing to do so. That's kind of why I was interested in taking that course because it's not an imposition if he does it for a living.