Average age of Mopar Maniacs.

really when i look back ....someone really matures a lot in just a couple years .......i am 25 almost 26 and i look back at me at 18 and think "wow what an Idiot"........i had a big engined car when i first started driving and bcoz im a female the insurance was not bad......they need to change the insurance thing bcoz a young stupid girl is just as dangerous as a young stupid boy.......Thank God i never had an accident or destroyed anything worth saving beyond repair......but i look back at my youthful attempts and think dang i got lucky.

i did a dukes jump and i dont know how i walked away from that....i really would'nt do that now. Hood surfing is another activity i would not advise...i have a scar above my eye that proves that ...Thank God make-up covers scars. LOL