To Restore or Not to Restore

Gerald, solely in my opinion and with all due respect, if your biggest concern is that the end result will be worth the money investment you spend to get there, you're in the wrong hobby. These days the satisfaction is measured in Smiles Per Gallon. Even the rarest of the rare don't often bring big bucks at resale time and our A Bodies are usually at the bottom of that list (though stature is improving as the more desirable body styles get snatched up).

I can't help with the decode / decisions but from a casual observer, your car looks great and doesn't appear to need much. Seems to be missing a rear bumper but that's a simple fix. Whatever you decide to do, you have the Power of FABO behind you. :-D

I have to agree. You need to decide for yourself what your car is "worth". Even before I started my restoration people would ask me how much I would take for my car. I tell them, "1 million dollars". They look at me like I'm crazy (which I am) and say, "that car's not worth that much", I reply with, "to me it is".