
Lordy, wait until you spring chickens hit 60, lol. Get out of bed; bounce off the wall, as your legs refuse to wake up, then go pee (you already had to wake up and pee at 3:30). Start breakfast, sit in computer chair, while making weird noises.

And the rest of your day is like that= I ain't picking that up, need hoist,clean my mess up? later, it will involve bending over. Creepers? always can't get off, without it slapping you; crawl under the car, do it, then squirm out and over to something that you can reach up, and grab, to pull your old fossil azz up of the floor.

Guys, get all the heavy work done at 40, lol. At 50, What the hell is wrong now? Down hill after that. But never say never; Me and a fellow 60 yo spent the last year restoring a 69 Charger- case and a half of beer per day, and plenty of pain-killers

Don't whine, grasshoppers, lol Good luck.