273 Stock & Elec ign questions

Ok, so here are some pics of Dads 273 timing/dist setup. If you look at the pics, I have put both dads orig dual point and new elec distributors side by side. Notice the difference in the orientation between the 2?? Now, I have yet to confirm from prev owner, but I dont believe the elec was installed with the 273. He had put a 360 with elec ignition in it. Would that explain the difference in orientation? I included a pic of the distributor drive slot in the block. It looks like its lined up with #1 cyl, and #1 cyl is 10* BTDC on compression stroke. Pics also of orig dist installed and the elec dist installed, you can see a difference as to where the rotor is pointing. Any ideas suggestions??

4spdragtop and ragtops pop