5.9 Magnum flywheel - DIY with bolt-on weight??

The Moparchat thread has been updated with how to balance a neutral flywheel for the magnum.

There's a pic there of a Magnum flywheel (factory I think), drilled in the same locations but with a different amount of weight removed. Per the diagram, the weight removed for an LA is 19.79 inch oz which equates to 5.1 oz at 3.88 inches from center (weight removed varies inversely with distance from center).

340duster has provided the weight for the Magnum: 12.825 in oz (my thanks to him).
He used a radius of 5.625" and removed 2.28 oz. This info is available on the moparchat link given, along with his source. One more needed factor is the weight of cast iron at .265 lb/ cubic inch.

I see no reason not to do the mod. I may have a friend with a milling machine do it with a square bottom bit to make the calculation easier, or do a drill and weigh experiment with a regular bit and some cast iron scrap.