Can someone Photoshop my 69 Notch?

I like the gunmetal and the reflection of the original in the floor, lol

So picky! :boxing:

But those were nice photochop jobs.
Can I bug you one time and have you tell me how you did that so I won't have to continually ask?

I want to get my truck in frost green with a white top and white below the side moulding.

Always copy the original layer so you always have the original. so i copied the picture to a new layer.

then I erased anything that wasn't body paint, did layers>hue saturation> and check the colorize box then adjust the hue saturation. That got the color there then clone stamped the scoop off and wing off. In all honesty it came out a lot better than i expected. The wing was pretty easy but the hood scoop was difficult since you have to make up what is not there and try and imagine how the light would reflect on the hood.

The wheels i just grabbed off the web cut the background out and used the scale tool and skew tool to get them looking sortof good.

There is still is room for improvement I feel. The big thing with these photoshop projects is having a high enough resolution picture and a good picture. no fuzzieness or out of focus stuff.

The pictures you have of your truck are a bit of a low resolution and would be difficult to work with. The better your picture the easier the job will always be.

I also have been using photo shop for about 5 years now so i am getting pretty good with it.

And fast!

I hereby dub SirDan.....wait for it......

Sir QuickDraw

Maybe I should start doing this for money!

As for what i think of the car, I agree that swapping in some new wheels would make a big difference. I also think a different hood scoop might be cool as well. The colors, well i like them all!