How is the autobody business??

Isn't there enough money to be made wrenching? I worked flat rate in Honda & Acura dealers for years before opening up my own independent shop & Honda was the place to be. The grass isn't always greener on the other side. I'd start by being honest with youself & ask what it is that makes you want to do something different. Is it the true passion to do body work, or are you just unhappy at what you're doing now & look to that to make it better? I've always loved doing bodywork & making something look new again, but that's been my hobby I do for the enjoyment. I don't do it for money because I don't want the business end of things to spoil my enthusiasm for it. There are plenty of work hazzards to deal with on both sides. You will pay a price later in life for either with sore joints, hearing loss etc. Are you unhappy because of the ups & downs of flat rate? Well more & more body shops are working flat rate every day. So that may not make you happier in the end. I'd think long & hard about this & be honest with yourself as to what you really want.
The grass may look greener, but it may be growing over the septic system & it still needs to be mowed!..
Good luck with your decision.

I agree with you but that is why i went to honda in the first place because i was unhappy with my other job.
Flat rate doesnt bother me at all. I make decent money. It is stressful not knowing what your paycheck is going to be every week, i will say that. BUT this is my problem i am not 100% sure of what i want. Nothing is for certain i'm just trying to get an idea of what may be a better career for me. When i frst started at honda i enjoyed it but it has really made me think of whether i want to wrench for a living. Theres a lot of favoritism in my shop which sucks when your on the other end. and my last shop was the same exact way. From what i've heard most shops are like that so with that flat rate sucks because your writer controls your money.not only that but with warranty work its getting harder and harder to make money. I was surprised for hondas we have a hell of a lot of warranty work. Like i said i'm getting pros and cons. Theres negatives and positives to every job but i will never know if i never try, i'm going thursday night to speak to a representative from the school and see what he has to say. All i know is that when i see our shop dead and we are sitting around the body shop next to us ALWAYS has work i've NEVER seen that shop empty.:banghead: TO think i had all the answers a year ago and now i'm just so