How do go about installing fuel system?

A vapor return line can benefit ANY carbureted car. Here's the general gist

ESPECIALLY on the newer cars with the pressure / vacuum caps and carbon can system, the tank is not "so freely vented" IE there are times that it can develop a slight vacuum, until the filler cap "pops off" and relieves this vacuum

A factory, front mount pump must "suck" against this vacuum, and this creates low pressure all the way from the tank to the pump, and LOWERS the boiling point of the fuel, adding to vapor lock problems

Even with an electric pump, once the fuel line gets up front, it can boil in the lines as it passes by, beside, and up past the exhaust, hot block, etc.

Then add "shutdown" this hot fuel can force past the needle / seat in the carb, and the carb itself may be too hot, boiling fuel over into the intake. The fuel building pressure and boiling in the fuel line just adds to the problem

Now lets add one of these filters up close to the carb, with a return back to the tank.

This boiling fuel will gather at the top of the filter, where it will be forced out the orifice and back to the tank.

AND on shutdown, this orifice very quickly RELIEVES pressure on the fuel line, and as fuel expands and boils up, instead of forcing through the needle/ seat and on into the (flooding) carb -- it now just dumps this pressure off, and routes the boiling fuel back to the tank.

My 67 HAD no extra lines to/ from the tank. I plumbed my CO2 bottle off my MIG into the line after draining the tank, and filled the tank with CO2, then brazed a 1/4" fitting into the front face of the tank.

For now, I'm running both a rear mount Holley red pump and a factory mechanical. The mechanical will eventually go away, and I figure on adding insulation to the fuel line

But as it sits I've:

Added the rear electric pump
Added the vapor return
Added a 3/8" or so thick fiber spacer under the carb

This car now only gives me trouble on the hottest days, and it's now minor, IE you may have to crank the engine 5-10 sec after a hot shutdown, and that is only occasionally.