cosigned loan

Had the same thing happen with my daughter.
What I didn't know at the time is that she and her grandmother had already been through this.
I co-signed a loan, things went well as long as her husband was working. He was fired from his job and the payment was the first thing that was ignored. I got a letter in the mail letting me know that the payment was behind. I asked my daughter about it, and Mr. Wonderful basically told me it was none of my "f-ing" business.
I paid the payment, told my daughter this one was on me, but no more. Sure enough, it happened again the next month. I told my daughter I was going to take the car back. Mr. Wonderful dared me to, said he would report the car stolen. No sweat, I went and got the car, parked it in my shop and there it sits today. He called the cops, that backfired on him, he was holding some pot at the time. I told my daughter when she gets rid of the loser she can have her car back. This went down a year or so earlier with my ex-mother-in-law. except that car was re-posed and her credit took a heck of a hit for it. You as a co-signer have as much right to the car as he she has. sounds mean, but you need to look out for yourself and let your kids learn the hard lessons in life. Suck's I know, but don't let their mistakes drag you down with them.
Just my 2 cent's