SB Pro Comp Aluminum Heads...For Sale on Ebay..

fishy the thing about shaftmount vs studmounted rockers is not that the studstyle cant take springloads its the loss of motion at the valve that is the thing.

im having a friend i always help out at the track,not that he needs help all that much he is a very good at working on cars im just an extra set of hands to get stuff done quicker,anyway he runs a chevy nothing wrong with that but the first time we installed a girdle on his studmounted rockers and while we where checking lash we noticed that there is a huge diference the studs move around alot even when just rolling the engine over while setting lash i dont even want to think about how that stuff moves around at 6000+rpm oh and this is with a mild solid streetroller. 242/248at 0.050" .570/.576

not a bash or anything just giving some food for thought you want a rocksteady valvetrain,lots of power to be made by just having a stable valvetrain.
studmount works and isnt a problem at all it will even take some pretty good springpreasures and still be reliable,just not as stable.