Just recieved my dougs d450 headers Wowwww

For MIG welds, they are ok, could be better. They have no cleanup marks on them, so they were welded once and done. For the amount of money they cost, I would have liked to see them TIG welded. One other thing I did not like about these headers is the bends in them. The drastic bends are mulitiple pieces of mandrel bend, whichs is fine, but there are a couple of compression bends on the primary runners on mine. These headers are 1 5/8 primaries, so that means the are SLIGHTLY smaller on the bends. Maybe I am just too pickey, but overall I am happy with mine just because they fit so perfect.

Those look nice but how do the weld's look close up? A sure sign of quality craftsmanship would be nice,untouched welds that needed no clean up.