brake upgrade

I was planing to do a cheap brake upgrade but as I hope to bring my dart to shows and have others trust me with there rebuilds I got what I hope is a good upgrade.. I posted the details here will use this thread to update progress.

I have shipping info on the parts.

If any of you follow my posts I am started a fulltime shop I rented a small shop 30 miles south of where I lived I looked for a place to rent near it but did not like the town (pueblo colorado) so I rented 5ac a house and 2 small shops east of Colorado Springs.

I am rebuilding a 69 Volvo 145s in the shop now parts got back ordered I was to be done with that before starting on the dart. Well I should pick up the last part today then all I have to do is build the motor and put the car back together.

I thought I would get started at the ranch on the dart I cleaned up a section of ground ( the shops are not ready yet ) and started to lift the dart. it fell off the jacks the sod was too loose so I will do all the work at the shop in pueblo colorado until this place is ready and safe to work at.

At the same time I up doing the brakes on the 65 dart i will be doing a stock supendition rebuild on the 66 barracuda will be posting lots of pic