What ignition system will do me justice??

I ran the Chrysler orange and chrome boxes for years. Switched to an MSD 6 and never looked back. It fixed all the plug fouling problems and ran cleaner than ever at low speeds. I now run an MSD 7 unit and their blaster coil with their wires. No problems what so ever in over 5 years. I use their distributor as well with basically no advance at all. 35 degrees all in at 1100 rpm's which is what the engine idles at.

Go to an NHRA or IHRA national event and look at what every Pro Stock car in the country runs for an ignition system. It's MSD!
I have only run the MOPAR system since pulling the original distributor and I haven't had any problems with fouling or anything else. Granted, I do not use the car as a driver and after more than 25 years I know exactly what the setup likes including running enough CAM2/Sunoco race gas in each tank to keep it happy.

Sure, all the Pro stock guys have sponsors and mountains of cash. I just can't see spending 3-5 times as much for a system that will not have any benefit in my application. If I was using my car as a driver and seeing a lot of use under 3,000 RPM I would probably go with it but mine is a show/strip car that will be running 4.10's and a 4-speed that has always run great. I am only considering having Don at least set up my distributor to see if there is another tenth or two I am missing.