I hit another deer

I could sit here and type for hours about deer collision stories I have. I have hit too many of them to count, but at this time of year, they are running like crazy around here and I live smack in the middle of deer heaven. One thing that I have learned is that you NEVER, EVER swerve to avoid an animal in the road. You are much better off hitting it than swerving and going off the road or into another car or a tree or telephone pole!

I think the best story I have though is from when I had an 84 Caddy Sedan DeVille, I was on my way to work and decided to take the back way instead of the expressway. This was not a good choice. So Im driving and about 300 feet ahead I see 2 deer run across the road into a field from behind a few pines, I slowed down and after a few seconds, didnt see anymore deer, so I started speeding back up. Right about the time I hit 50 another deer ran out and I had no time to even get my foot off the gas. I barely even felt anything but saw a big cloud of hair fly up and the hood ornament bounced off of the center of the windshield. I looked in my mirrors, but no deer was laying there. I figured I may have just clipped him and he ran off, so I pulled over to check what the damage was. I got out of the car and walked to the front and looked and lo and behold, there was the deer, a small doe, stuck in the grill opening of the Caddy! I kicked the front bumper and the deer fell out. I was so mad that I just backed up and continued on my way to work. Luckily I was able to go to the local junk yard and get away with buying a fiberglass front clip and 4 new headlights. It cost me about $175, but I still laugh whenever I think about that deer shoved into that grill opening and the hoof mark in the radiator. :laughing: