New to board.

Well for now the plan is to put the correct master cylinder on for drum brakes so the car is driveable. Then I plan to have the two small dents in the passengers side fixed. We are going to pull the vinyl top off and have any repairs that are needed taken care of. Then once that is done my Dad is going to drive the car to local cruises until my wife is out of school for the summer. But between now and then my Dad is going to build the 360(out of the Blue Dart) that we have and pull all the front suspension and Kmember out of the 73. Have all the front suspension parts including the K member powdercoated. Once all that is detailed and the newly rebuilt 360 setting on that we plan to tear down the Dart and send it in to the body shop for a decent paint job. Then when it comes back install all the 73 front suspension and disc brakes. And hopefully by then I can come up with an 8 3/4 and put some rear disc on that. Then put on some wheels (maybe Weld ProStars) and then ENJOY!!!

:scratch: It sounds easy, but it will not work that smooth!! Then I have to hope my Dads health holds out long enough that he can enjoy it!!

So I still need some parts, I live 350 miles from where the car is (at my Dads so he can tinker with it when he feels like it). I will only be up there for 10 days or so between now and summer. And about 2 weeks in summer. So I don't think it will come together as easy as I would like. But I am going to give it the "old college try" :eye: