Stupid things you did when you were young thread

I also did the 1/4" bolt fuse trick, luckily no melted wiring harnesses. I did the "chrome" paint thing also.

Here is the stupid thing that will beat all.

When I was 15 I was working on a rototiller and while it was idling the belt was flopping up and down pretty good. For whatever reason I touched my index finger to the underside of the belt to stop the flopping, well the friction of the belt against my finger instantly pulled my finger in between the belt and pulley. My finger made a full pass around the pulley in between the belt and pulley. I instantly grabbed my hand with my other "smart" hand and was afraid to look. After a moment I decided to look around on the ground first, well no finger there... time to check the hand. I slowly peeled back my "smart" hand and there was all my fingers, thank god. It left a burn from the belt on the under side of my finger and two grooves on the top of my finger from the pulley. Thank god the belt was that loose. To this day when I see a loose fan belt flopping it gives me chills to think of what could have happened.

Yea, I know, what a dumb ***.
