good place to buy parts online

I would buy better parts for your car and not the cheapest. Unless you are on some really strict budget. Even then, I'd try to go with something in the middle...not the cheap junk but not top of the line either. I mean, if you think about it, typically these old cars we own we want to keep for a long time, if always. If that is true for you too, then I'd stay away from the cheapest. That's my take on it anyhow.

I use Advance for online a lot, I bought all my front suspension parts from them online. It was one of the cheapest I found (but nothing really significant) and I got all TRW parts. AutoZone will help you in a pinch, as they more often will have something in stock now that the other big name parts stores. At least that's true in my case. I try to stay away from AZ though, for all the obvious reasons.

There is a local shop here that is really great too, they have knowledgeable people and nothing but good parts, they don't deal with the junk. They are usually a little more expensive but I'm fine with that in many cases. It's hard to find good mom and pop places anymore and likely someday, unfortunately, they'll all be gone. If there is a local small shop in your area, be sure to throw some business their way whenever you can.