Spark/ignition issues?

What happens when the engine revs past the limits of the orange box? Does it misfire? Will the orange box act as a sort of poor man's rev limiter?

All inductive ignitions whether they are point or electronic have less output as the rpm'' increase, this is exactly opposite of what the engine needs. Electronic ignitions by design have an advantage over points in that there is no condensor to bleed of some of the power when the points open, that's why they used dual point systems.

The orange box as well as the chrome or gold from MP have better components inside that allow for faster switching plus they have have higher current carrying ability so that hotter coils and lower resistant ballast resistors can be used. These allow for the rpm's to go higher more reliably. A stock box with the best of everything else in the ignition may allow the engine to rev higher than a system with average parts and an orange box.

I wouldn't count on the ignition box to act as a rev limiter.