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Sure anywhere in life you will run across people that will tick you off but man this site is 99.9% great people. I have had my disagreements with people on here and for that matter I will admit that my button gets pushed every once in a while and I get a little ornery but it isn't the end of the world. I have a brother (Had him my whole life) and we have had some drag down fist throwing fights, but we are still brothers and wouldn't trade each other for anyone and we sure are going to bail on each other. This is what we are here just brother and sisters in a kind of way and we will fight occasionally, but we eventually let it go. But if you want to bail then that is your choice but will tell you that the problem lies within you and not the other people and you will have this problem with this type of person your entire life.

I also learned that when something is typed it looks the same when someone is serious or being sarcastic because there is no tone of voice to key off of. This can set some people off because it has two meanings but which one is it? We as humans jump to the conclusion that they must be trying to be an *** so now the war is on. I have been down this path and jumped somebody when all they were trying to do was be humorous.
