New drag racing laws in Canada (long read)

Oh dear god...

Probably the same whiny ***** behind it that was behind the gun legislation boondoggle.And the gun reggie program has cost Canadians 2 billion and counting.

They (libs)passed some legislative crap in B.C awhile back giving worksafe "the right" to peer into any and all medical files you have if you file a claim.

I disabused them of that notion.Our charter of rights gives us the right to privacy.Just told em that and they changed thier tune.

One thing is for sure.If Canadians continue to roll over for every piece of legislated crap,they will keep ramming it down our throats.

Do yourselves a favour and become involved.Join the counsil of Canadians or get a membership with the opposition party in your province.

As long as we have our heads up our asses they'll keep it up!