New drag racing laws in Canada (long read)

You know this is typical political Bull Sh#T. These SOB's bring in new laws and then sit back and pat themselves on the back and say what an important job they are doing while flushing our tax dollars down the "toilet" on commitees and junkets to other countries to see how they handle things. I know from personal experience that in Alberta, and probably every other province in this country, that the police have always had the right to confiscate your car or (my case was a motorcycle) and you don't get it back till you go to court. The infraction was called "DANGEROUS DRIVING" and you could get it for speeding excessively or causing an accident etc. and the fine 30 yrs ago was $500.00. So to the point, they just pissed away more of our money to bring in a law they likely already had on the books.
