a-body gasser ?

Hey guys- Its been awhile since I've been able to visit the site. Myself and Steve Magnante have been busy with pouring in alot of extra time on our match bash altered wheelbase cars(of which you see his in the Mopar Max issues). His is a '63 post while mine is a '64 coupe. We were both hoping to get them lined up against each other by about this time, as well as having them on display at SEMA2007, but life sometimes gets in the way of dreams! Keep an eye out in the next few weeks for an upcoming issue of "HotRod Deluxe". We put together a TEN PAGE build-up on his '64, but the real big news is we've been working these last few month's on compiling every scrap of knowledge we have on these AWB cars, and made it into a ninety minute video. Steve and I have tried to make it all as plain and simple as can be, so that anyone with basic knowledge, and welding skills can build one of these cars out of a garage, or in our case, his backyard, which we've knick-named "The Hillbilly HellShack"! Super informative,(I hate sounding like a commercial, but I've poured a year of my life into these cars, and you know, I'm as excited as a kid in a candy store!) stuff. Hopefully, this DVD will answer ALOT of questions, but now that we see some light at the end of the tunnel, some of you can ask away to me as well! I'll try and hit the site at least every other night! Mine and Steve's dream is to have a circus of these cars, as period correct as possible. Thats where it gets real hard. Its so easy to take the "billet" way out. Some things you have to sacrifice though. Old racing parts get harder and harder to find! Talk with you soon!

Dale Snoke
The FunnyCar Farmer