Stupid things you did when you were young thread

I was just talking with Adam here and decided to share with all of you the dumbest thing ever. I grew up in LA as a musician and at one point was in a band that was going to open at the Wiskey A-Go-Go in Hollwood for another band named Saxon. Just before our first ever gig, my friends decided to leave and I followed them. The two remaining members, who started the band, were James Hetfeld and Lars Ulrich. Well the rest for those two was history as they didn't let thier first cancelled gig as Metallica deter them from moving forward. If I'd ever known what would happen next, you can bet I would have stuck around, cause THAT WAS DUMB!

That's does suck. Metallica ranks up there at the top for me. Cliff Burton is my all-time favorite bass player.