A Letter From Hell

If you don’t read anything else I have written, read this.
I received a phone call this morning.
After along life and declining health, my sister’s mother-in-law has died.
I always like the lady. I’ll miss her.
In the same way that I miss other people I have known that are gone.

I’m going to suggest that if you are focusing on heaven and hell you are missing the point.
The Jewish historian Josephus says “there was a man, if he can be called a man”.
And that “Man’s” object wasn’t to send everyone to torment.
Thinking about carrots and sticks are a distorted view.
His object was very different.
It’s about resurrection. It’s about life.
It is out side the realm of science but according to the great legal minds and historians of the ages, the evidence for His resection hasn’t broken down yet.

From what I read the documents are there to “prove” it to some pretty impressive legal minds. That won’t change today, tomorrow or a hundred more years from now.
And the idea is that if He can rise from the dead, maybe we can.

It is for that Hope that The Greatest Story Every was told.
Why is there suffering in the word? Why does God allow it?
What are the alternatives?
Do you want to have free will or not?
Do you want to be a robot?
If the law of gravity makes us stay planted for a quarter mille launch in our Mopars, what would you want to happen if a person fell off a building?
Do you want them to float up and not fall down?
We can’t have it both ways.

But what about the billions of Chinese? What will happen to all those people?
What about suffering?

The atheist, Anthony Flew, ask the following question about Hitler. The concept of eternal punishment is one of the reasons Flew has been an atheist. How could a “just” God condemn someone, anyone to ETERNAL torment?
(Although Flew seems to be changing as he starts looking into the grave himself. See what he says about DNA)

Hitler was a bad person. Let’s say he was responsible for the suffering death of at least six million people. What punishment does Hitler deserve for that? A blowtorch in the face for a week? A month? A year? But does he deserve an eternity of having a blowtorch in his face for what he did?

I think that is God’s problem.
Not ours.
I wouldn’t want to make that decision.