uuugghh... i swear it hates me

so the duster will not be my daily driver for a while.... i went to the auto glass shop today and got my windshield fixed finally. after two years of wet feet every time it rained i thought it was about time. In doing so i noticed i had a wobble every time i slowed down. found out i had a tire that blew a cord... stuck the spare on and rotated the tires. about a week ago my guages pegged and i was told the voltage regulator in the dash was shot. so i ordered one and it got to me tonight. also, it hasnt been wanting to start since then, like the starter isnt getting enough voltage, but i replaced the alternater and voltage regulator last week. Pulled the dash out and replaced the dash voltage regulator and plugged the dash in again... guages pegged on me again. tried replacing the dash cluster with a spare i had lying around hooked up the battery again....nothing happened... not even a dome light. found a blown fuse and replaced it... still nothing. did some testing and found out i dont even have power to the fuse box now. Im extremely upset and have no clue where to start on this one. Its time to replace the wiring but i cant afford that right now. anyone have any idea whats going on? I really need another driver so i can put this away for the winter. motorcycling is starting to get really cold in minnesota. why does my car hate me?