A Letter From Hell

I personally have been torn by the idea of religion for a long time. I read the bible and found it to have a lot of good life lessons and strong moral values. I then attended services at a local christian church and found that the pastor, albeit a knowledgeable person, interpreted the bible to a point that I thought wasn't what it meant. Troubled by this I then attended my friends temple and found the same sort of thing, both taught good values but both attempted to show you there views. In school I took a history of religion course for more information on religions from around the world. I have since come to the conclusion that all religions were invented for a single perpouse and that is to explain the unexplainable. Take the middle age christians for example they believed that everything revolved around the earth, when Galileo Galilei discovered that this was not true and brought this to attention the church would have nothing to do with it and essentially condemned him. I am sure that examples like this are prevalent in all religions and I am not trying to say that one is better than another. If god is such a caring entity then why do people die every day in his/her name? Being the moral person I am I have a hard time believing in any religion that some one has died in the name of or been forced to view. Any way pastortom1 you would have a lot easer time convincing people of your ideas if they didn't contradict them selfs and please don't ask me to point them out because they are there. I read all of the posts carefully and was more confused every time I did. OneOfMany I think you have some good points that are well illustrated and lots of life lessons to back them up.
What about the aliens?8):happy10::happy10::happy10::farao:

Hi, it is common for someone to belive all religions seek the same God and they are all equal...but I must correct. For like a math equation there may be millions of multiple choice answers...but only one is correct. But wait! let us analyze what religion is first. According to a definition of "religion" it is the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or God. a particular system of faith and worship. a pursuit or interest followed with devotion. "religious" of concerned with or believing in a religion.

that said...I can now say I am not! religious nor do I follow a religious sytem...for religions (not all ex. buddism believe theres actually no God) pursue and seek a or the +
God. They fall short not knowing that we as believers do not seek God for God is seeking us. Jesus was born through HIS holy spirit to dwell in him and to be the perfect witness on earth for us to believe in him with faith. one must be born again and be reborn with Gods righteous spirit allowing us to no longer practice sin...but righteous will of God. One cannot get to the father alone but must go trhough jesus which was set for us for a purpose. we would no longer have to do the traditions and sacrifices from the old testament for a new law was set through jesus sacrifice. ( sticking to the religion topic) religion is a sytem that from humans and not from God. The new covenant when jesus resurected and left the spirit to work on earth (to me) is the belief one must have and follow...not a religion...


that verse is from the angel sending out the message to the 7 churches...it says remember how we all have received and heard of the new good news (the new testament which was through jesus christ teachings) the start of the church...that church was made up by the bodies that believed and followed christ. hence we are als his church....not a religion.

hold fast! asks us to consider the beginning of the church which has been lost for a long time...to watch and keep an eye on. and therfore repent for our errors and offenses.

to conclude I would strongly reconsider where you have derived your beliefs in that all religions are similar and seek the same purpose to explainthe unexplicable...therfore saying they all seek the same God...for all religions made up by humans actually contradict eachother therfore not being equal nor right. Read the scriptures before taking ideas brought out of no strong ground and roots and decide for yourself what is right for the spirit of God works in us, its a matter of asking him for understanding. many lies and false ideas will be brought up just like the one of all religions seeks the same devine God and it doesn't matter which road you take. (ps as well as the false stories of extratarestials) Mat 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Mathew 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall decieve many.

2Peter 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who provily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

May the holy spirit of God have grace (spiritual influence) upon us all so that we may do His will and not ours which is naturally sinfull.
Glory to God who has promised us glory along with him and not to perish which is what this world offers. Yes pleasures and fun can be in this world...but for how long...God be with u all.