A Letter From Hell

I got thinking about Adam's comment on how we seem to have these discussions in a relatively peaceful manner on the site.......

.........Now, this is my opinion.......not a fact........just an opinion.....

Maybe the reason we guys can talk about this stuff here and not hit each other over the head with a camshaft (although, I would not be at all surprised if the the thought had already occurred on one side or the other) is because we have a sense (perhaps greater than some) of what true freedom means.......

I don't mean freedom from oppression or some of the more serious conditions that exist in other nations............what I mean, and it's hard to describe, is this...............

A Mopar guy is a rare bird considering the facts......there are a gazillion Fords and Chevy's out there, but the Mopars are much fewer and far between. This rarity makes us a part of a "friendly" elite, and I've always sensed a sort of special comradery, so to speak, with other guys.

Maybe the rarity contributes to a greater sense of "freedom" when we hit the open road in a Mopar..........I'm tellin' ya', as I've stated here, that when I get out in the fresh air and sunshine with my Dodge, my heart practically explodes with a sense of freedom.........................I'm sure all car guys could make somewhat the same claim.......BUT..........

It's GREAT to be driving my Mopar, and to talk to all of you guys about whatever in the world we want to talk about, without fear of having someone put a gun to our heads for simply exercising that freedom.

Thanks guys.................... Again Adam (and all the other moderators and administrators), great site.

Doc :wav: