A Letter From Hell

res1 you bring up very good points about the "church being wrong". The church has made many mistakes in history. Crusades do not look like a good idea now. Witch hunts and burring at the stake seem very cruel and not christian and forgiving like. Could it be that because the church is made up of humans and humans are not perfect, that mistakes have been made and will be made in the future. I do believe the church is guided by God. God guides each of us as individuals but he still gives us free choice to listen and act or do as we wish. I do agree with you that not every sermon that is preached hits a home run with me. Some will even be politically slanted. But if we only look at the negative side of things, we will never enjoy the positive side. This applies to everything in life not just religion. As far as how could God allow suffering in the world, we all grow as humans in defeats and sufferings. We also grow in success. Both shape who we are. We would not be complete without each. I know that my kids do not like when I deny them something they want or when they have to do chores (suffering). But when they still love me after I have been an uncaring father (God), I know then that their love for me is great and true. Now I know this is small potatos compared to the troubles of the universe but if we still love God after our suffering, ours will be a great and wonderful love that is worthy of God the Father. Also please do not forget that the whole world laughed at Galileo. Science is always making new discovers and changing what they and us believe to be true. 100 years from now some of the things that scientists KNOW ARE TRUE will be disproved. Learning will always continue. For most people science will never prove or disprove the existance of God. Faith is needed to prove and faith is not scientific.