A Letter From Hell

To add a note of fact to the computations, putting it in more understandable terms..........(if it CAN be understood).............

For any one man in all of history, any man at all, to have fulfilled to the letter, just 11 of the main points of Bible prophecy (which Jesus DID....and we're not talking about "Nostradamus" style boogaloo..... I mean to the letter), the odds have been computed (by man's modern computers) to be over -One Billion Times 10 Billion- to 1......................

How much proof do you want? We condemn and exectute murderers based upon MUCH less evidence than this (if you compute the odds based upon DNA sampling.... it's miniscule to say the least when compared)...............

Yet, again, some people will NEVER be convinced, no matter how much evidence is presented.

THAT'S a fact Jack. :dontknow: