A Letter From Hell

The prophecies came from writers centuries before Jesus was ever born..........There is no way he could have orchestrated the fulfillment of them..............especially the exact place of His birth.

There was a man named Lee Strobel, a professional, who felt the same way you apparently do about these things. So zealous about his beliefs that God did not exist, he set out to disprove the Bible and it's contentions about Jesus Christ.

Today, he not only professes Christ, but is zealous for telling people that in his quest to disprove it, he ended with a startling realization that the evidence FOR Christ and all of the Biblical claims was overwhelming.

"The Case for Christ", by Lee Strobel. Do you dare read it? A truly open mind should certainly want to explore such an expose'....that is, if they're thirsty for real knowledge. :read2: