A Letter From Hell

and where did these prophesies come from? this all "supposedly" happened a very long time ago, alot can be created if it were to help the story. If somebody came to me that said that they were the son of god, sent directly by god himself, (weather his teachings were good natured or not) i think i would refer him to the mental institution.

Here's a good link showing how far back BEFORE Jesus verified manuscripts of the Bible were available.


The Bible even prophesied that when the Messiah would come, they would not receive Him and think He was nut's claiming to be the Son of God; He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. John 1:11
You see, you can be of the opinion that the world is flat never exploring it for yourself, even though an explorer states that the world is round. Our opinions don't change the facts, and Biblical evidence is overwhelming if you seek it.