A Letter From Hell

Thanks for the link ramhi4x. It confirms much that I have read regarding the compilation of the Old & New Testaments.

To quote from the link,

"A canonic text is a single authoritative edition for a given work. The establishing of a canon text may involve an editorial selection from biblical manuscript traditions with varying interdependence. Significant separate manuscript traditions in the canonic Hebrew Bible are represented in the Septuagint, the Masoretic text, and the Dead Sea scrolls"

This first line clearly states that the included works were NOT a complete collection of available manuscripts, but were editorially selected. The disparancy between the scriptures accepted and rejected were made on the grounds that not all conformed to the beliefs of those canonizing them.

"New Testament Greek and Latin texts presented enough significant differences that a manuscript tradition arose of presenting diglot texts, with Greek and Latin on facing pages. New Testament manuscript traditions include the Codex Vaticanus, Codex Sinaiticus, Codex Bezae, Textus Receptus, Vulgate, and others."

Ditto for the New Testament.

From one of the external links:


"This survey covers a small part of the huge body of New Testament studies --- how the Church selected certain writings as authoritative and separated them from a larger body of early Christian literature. In view of the central importance that the New Testament has within Christianity, it is amazing that there is an absence of detailed accounts of such a significant process."


"The history, as covered in this survey, spans the first four centuries of Christianity, and was a long continuous process. It was not only a task of collecting, but also of sifting and rejecting. It was not the result of a deliberate decree by an individual or a council near the beginning of the Christian era. The collection of New Testament books took place gradually over many years by the pressure of various kinds of circumstances and influences, some external and others internal to the life of congregations. Different factors operated at different times and in different places. Some of the influences were constant, others were periodic; some were local, and others were operative where the Church had been planted."

Again, this further illustrates that not all of the information and manuscript material has been made available. Instead, over a period of time, the material was "sifted and rejected" as needed.

This is an example of negative historical revisionisn. Instead, the great book should continually be updated to contain all of the newfound materials, versions and ideologies. It would then become the greatest book to all.

That's why the Bible I read is comprised of manusrcipts known to be true and pure. I know you guys are working real hard to debunk the Bible, and that's good, most people just sit idle and do nothing so I can appreciate your efforts. God wrote to the church of the Laodiceans "He would rather we be hot or cold for luke warm He spews out" Revelation 3:16, (beware those who profess to a Christian but don't live their lives for Christ), God does not like to be misrepresented.

My goal was not to debate with anyone but just to share what I know to be true;

I started doing drugs when I was 12 years, this lead to a heavy life of drugs, alcohol, and crime. By the time I was 25 I was a drug addict, a dealer, and been jailed twice for drug related crimes. I was never really aware of God nor cared about any religion. One day looking for a party I found some old friends, fellow drug users, one of them shared how Jesus had changed their lives. I listened to him share his story and quote the Bible to me, I felt compassion and started feeling my heart soften. When he asked if I wanted to allow Jesus into my life I felt like crying and answered YES!, Immediately I felt a presence like no other. All my burdens had been lifted and I had absolutely NO DESIRE FOR DRUGS which I was completely addicted to for the last 13 years. To this day I have not touched any illegal substance nor had any desire to, my life was COMPLETELY changed in many ways since that day.

With countless personal testimonies like this everyday for the last 2000 years, it's impossible to explain outside the Bible. I have personally seen and meet many many people, drug addicts, adulterers, murders, and even people who lived a normal care free life who have had similar life changing stories when they gave their life over to Jesus, this is as true as can be. If you can explain this away from what the Bible says, that would be a greater miracle than any!
Jesus has proven Himself REAL to me when I gave Him the chance. Since I have read the Bible in depth from cover to cover about a half dozen times. WHEN KEPT IN CONTEXT, it's easy to see how true the Bible is.
As I said from the beginning, God gave us a free will, we ALL have the right to choose, I pray we ALL make the right choice.