how are the 833 overdrives???

probably be good... the other problem is the big jump between gears.. the rpm will drop quite a bit. not great for performance.

I had the A833OD behind a \6 for about 3 years and 30k miles and the gear jump between 1/2 or 2/3 was not a big deal but 3/4 was. Now that i have it behind a stout 360 it's not a big deal period.

It may not be the best spacing for maximum acceleration but on the street it's fine. My car with that tranny and 3.55 gears has run a best of 13.7 at 102 mph. My problem with getting to the low 13's or high 12's is traction off the line, not the gear spacing. The best 60' time I have been able to achieve is 2.2 seconds.