Preferred carburetor for mild 360?

Put a timing light on it at idle. If it doesn't have about 15-16* on it at idle, it's not close to being right.

The problem with total timing method is this. If you time it for 32* total and the distributor has 28* of timing in it, you will have 4* initial which is garbage for any chrysler unless it has to pass smog! If it's got 16* mechanical, it will have 16* initial... BIG difference. I don't even run 318 2 bbl cars with factory initial settings. They were timed for emission compliance, not performance. The factory settings are junk, especially if you have any kind of performance cam and add ons.. I heard your car running in the video when it was pulling into the paint shop, IMHO, the idle tune up isn't even close.

Here's a car with the same cam, 360 and it idles a bunch cleaner than yours... Notice any difference?


16 initial on it.

My suggestion is read that article Abodyjoe posted over at the "other" site. Set fuel pressure to 5 psi and try tuning it. If ANYONE setting up your car ever tells you that initial timing doesn't matter, run like hell... They are WRONG!